Saturday 13 October 2018

Furry Friends

Pets have this amazing capability to heal us and bring us to a state of peace and joy.  Spending time with a pet, even if its just a few minutes can leave us feeling rejuvenated.

Pets animals have a high life force energy, and that is what energizes us. In today's world, life has become very fast and competitive. People spend a lot of time with electronic devices and the fast pace of life has made us lose touch with ourselves.  Studies have shown that just patting a pet for a while can relieve stress and it also has a positive emotional effect on people. 

That is why many hospitals have therapy dogs to help patients recover.  There are places where people can go and spend time with animals, bond with them and feel the connection.  Dogs are known to help children with learning and behavior disorders. They also have a positive impact on older people. 

I have experienced the benefits of bonding with pets myself. This is an experience I can't really describe in words. I feel it in my heart.

So for those of you who have pets, I think you already know the benefits of having them in your life. And those of you who don't like keeping them at home can always visit an animal rescue and spend some time there. A few visits and you might just decide to adopt a pet! 

It's the same life that exists in all of us - humans, animals, plants. Previous generations knew and were consciously aware of this, but with time we have forgotten and have got busy with our life and goals. May be it's time to re-kindle the connection.

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