Saturday 13 October 2018

Furry Friends

Pets have this amazing capability to heal us and bring us to a state of peace and joy.  Spending time with a pet, even if its just a few minutes can leave us feeling rejuvenated.

Pets animals have a high life force energy, and that is what energizes us. In today's world, life has become very fast and competitive. People spend a lot of time with electronic devices and the fast pace of life has made us lose touch with ourselves.  Studies have shown that just patting a pet for a while can relieve stress and it also has a positive emotional effect on people. 

That is why many hospitals have therapy dogs to help patients recover.  There are places where people can go and spend time with animals, bond with them and feel the connection.  Dogs are known to help children with learning and behavior disorders. They also have a positive impact on older people. 

I have experienced the benefits of bonding with pets myself. This is an experience I can't really describe in words. I feel it in my heart.

So for those of you who have pets, I think you already know the benefits of having them in your life. And those of you who don't like keeping them at home can always visit an animal rescue and spend some time there. A few visits and you might just decide to adopt a pet! 

It's the same life that exists in all of us - humans, animals, plants. Previous generations knew and were consciously aware of this, but with time we have forgotten and have got busy with our life and goals. May be it's time to re-kindle the connection.

Friday 12 October 2018

A Short Post

I haven't written in a while, so here goes! This is going to be a really short post.

A lot of times we judge other people without knowing what is going on with them. Sometimes, what we see is only a part of their lives, and we don't know the entire story.  So if their behavior changes we come to a conclusion about the entire situation in our mind.

To add an example here, I recently saw a huge change in the behavior of one of my very close friends, whom I have known since many years. Ours is the kind of friendship that was very gradual and took it's own sweet time to grow. My friend never took my calls when I called her, nor did she respond to my texts. And after some time, I felt as if she was doing it on purpose. I had built a story in my mind about how she didn't want to be in touch with me for reasons unknown to me. I felt quite hurt, and a little angry as well as I hadn't done anything wrong. So why would she do that? Many thoughts raced in my mind. One day, much later, I suddenly got a ping from her asking how I was. She called me that day, and I told her that I felt bad that she hadn't kept in touch with me since long. I then got to know that her relationship was going through a rough patch.

I had no clue about all this as she hadn't really told anyone about it. We spoke for a long time that day and it felt good to be updated about each other's lives. A big realization dawned on me that I had judged her too soon. I shouldn't have. I had seen things from my perspective, without thinking that there can be so many other reasons for her change in behavior.

We all do this, sometimes knowingly, and sometimes unknowingly; at work, at home, with friends. Sometimes we don't realize but we come to conclusions about how others behave towards us.

If someone's behavior changes suddenly (someone you have known from a long time), then there might be a reason for it. A reason which you don't know. You never know what someone is going through in their life, so you shouldn't judge them. May be just let it be, or may be just give it time. 

So Many Distractions!

I wake up in the morning and check my phone for the time. I switch on the internet, and my phone starts beeping to the notifications of What...