Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Friends Who Come Back

Some days ago, I got back in touch with a friend with whom I lost contact years ago. Meeting my friend after so many years (more than a decade actually) felt amazing. It brought many emotions and feelings and was a mix of joy, surprise, nostalgia, and a lot of other things. While I was still wondering how the years had passed so quickly (it all feels like yesterday) and how we had gotten busy with our lives, meeting each other made us realize that nothing much had changed. 

We say that social media sites and technology help us stay connected all the time with family and friends, but I also feel that there is something extra special about actually talking to someone over the phone, sending them a handmade present, or meeting them in person. Technology is but a tool to help make our life easier. It cannot replace the beauty of true connection. Our ancestors knew the importance of actually meeting up with their family and friends and thus they were much more connected. 

Seeing pictures and status updates of people online cannot replace the feeling you get when you actually talk to them. It is much more personal and helps build the quality of the friendship. 

Over the years, I made many friends. Some of them have stayed, and some went out of touch over time. The ones that really matter to me are the ones who make the effort to keep in touch, not just on social media but in real life. They are the ones who accept me with all my flaws and life experiences. I accept them the way they are too. 

In life, we will meet many people. If you feel that you want to keep a friendship growing, then make the effort to meet them in person or take the time to call them. Wish them on their birthday, ask them how they are doing. These old-school and simple things will always mean more than a social media update. 

While we see everyone staring into their phones and looking at the updates of their friends, colleagues, and relatives, all this has just left us deeply disconnected from each other. These things don't really help us improve our relationships in any way. They are just an illusion that makes us feel we are in touch with everyone. It is best to live a simple and private life and share what matters to those who matter. It is beautiful to see how old friends come back to our life and while everything seems to have changed, it all still feels the same. It feels like home :)

So Many Distractions!

I wake up in the morning and check my phone for the time. I switch on the internet, and my phone starts beeping to the notifications of What...