Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Them and Us

Our world consists of human beings, many species of animals and plants.  What connects all of us is that common force called 'Life'.  All of us are alive. Yes, we are. And in spite of the outer differences that we possess, the inner force that drives us to survive on earth is but the same.  

Human beings, out of all the life forms seem to have forgotten this connection. We have become so engrossed in our own life, that we have lost the connection with other forms of life. What has happened to us? Why are we in a constant state of rush, why are we forced to run the rat race, why are we made to think that we can survive by letting other forms perish?   We are so engrossed in our little stories of success, failure, promotions, relationships, etc. that we have forgotten to take care and respect Nature, plants and other animal species. 

All we see in big cities are huge buildings instead of lush green trees.  Our roads are filled with vehicles and smoke. Pigeons and other birds struggle to find a place to hide. Many species of animals have become extinct due to the shocking change we have brought about. 

The truth is that we can build a wonderful connection with plants and animals. A simple example-Adopt a plant and keep it at your home. Water it daily and spend 5-10 minutes with it each day. Try to connect to it. And in some time, you will feel a mutual connection. Plants have the ability to clear out stress and bring in harmony. So this is something you should definitely try. If you have space in your balcony, then you can make a small garden over there. Spend some time in your little garden and see the difference. You will feel fresh and happy. 

If you are an animal lover, and you stay at your home and not in a hostel, you can consider adopting a stray.  This is a big responsibility, so before getting into it, make sure you are prepared for it. If you are, then this is one of the best investments you can make in your life. A pet animal like a dog brings in unconditional love into your life. He doesn't expect much in return. All he asks for is care and affection. Animals also have tremendous healing power. They can relax you when you feel tired after a long day. Spending some time cuddling your pet is one of the best ways to rejuvenate. It is so much better than surrounding yourself with electronic devices. 

In olden days people lived in harmony with animals and plants, hence they lived healthier lives. These days, we live fragmented lives. We have pushed away all the others in our desire to move ahead. And this is costing us and no one else.  But, it is never too late to revive the connection we have with our fellow earthlings!! We might make some lasting friendships with them too! 

And trust me, it will be worth it.

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